The general objective of the project is to enhance navigational safety measured through statistuically significant differences in the maritime communication skills of the shore service operators and higher education students before and after the implementation of a digital education pilot study enacted through instructional videos and chatbots, and potentially contribute to a reduction of human, environmental, societal, and/or economic losses resulting from maritime accidents.  

WP1 – Project Management

In line with the project’s Quality Assurance System, ex-ante, mid-term, and final evaluation will be conducted throughout the cycle of the project to monitor the progress, quality, and achievement of project objectives. This means that the project will follow the planning, preparation, implementation, and follow-up evaluation process.

WP2 – Maritime Communication Standard- and Data-based Content Development

The specific objectives of WP2 are as follows:
– The regulatory framework and content for the open-access digital educational tools and pilot study will be defined.
– Pre-educational pilot study databases of authentic routine maritime communication and of student simulations will be constructed.

They will contribute to the general objective of the project by setting the foundations for the data collection and analysis, and providing the content for the open-access digital educational tools (instructional videos and chatbots), and for student simulation tasks.

The specific objectives of WP2 will be realized through the results of four WP2 activities:
WP2.1. Overview of Internationally Adopted Rules, Procedures and Standards
WP2.2. Overview of Cases in Marine Accident Databases
WP2.3. Pre-Educational Pilot Study Authentic Routine Maritime Communication Databases (shore service operators’ strand)
WP2.4. Pre-Educational Pilot Study Learner Routine Maritime Communication Databases (students’ strand)

WP3 – Digital Educational Tool Development, Deployment and Evaluation

The specific objective of WP3 is as follows:
– The digital educational tools will be developed, deployed, tested, evaluated in a pilot study, and revised.

It will contribute to the general objective of the project by: providing sound pedagogical and technical principles for the development of instructional videos on routine maritime communication, developing, deploying, and evaluating the instructional videos, developing, deploying, and evaluating communication chatbots, engaging shore service operators, higher education students, and interested members of the broader maritime community into the digital educational pilot study, and evaluating the digital education tools.

The specific objectives of WP3 will be realized through the results of three WP3 activities:
WP3.1. Development, Deployment and Evaluation of Instructional Videos
WP3.2. Development, Deployment and Evaluation of Chatbots
WP3.3. Digital Educational Pilot Study and Evaluation

WP4 – Maritime Communication Standard- and Data-based Benchmarking

The specific objective of WP4 is as follows:
– The improvements in navigational safety as a result of the digital pilot study will be analyzed, benchmarked against the international standard, and communicated.

It will contribute to the general objective of the project by: analysing the change in maritime communication skills after the digital educational pilot study has been implemented, developing new routine maritime communication simulation tasks, providing a comparison between the routine maritime communication compliance with the standard protocol of communication before and after the digital educational pilot study (gap analysis), providing an assessment of improvements in navigational safety as a result of the digital educational pilot study, and providing research-based recommendations for systemic changes in the standard protocol of communication to the international bodies competent for maritime communication.

The specific objectives of WP4 will be realized through the results of five WP4 activities:
WP4.1. Post-Educational Pilot Study Authentic Routine Maritime Communication Databases
WP4.2. Post-Educational Pilot Study Routine Maritime Communication Simulations Databases
WP4.3. Benchmarking against the Standard Protocol of Communication
WP4.4. Assessment of Improvements in Navigational Safety
WP4.5. Recommendations for a Revision of the Standard Protocol of Communication

WP5 – Exploitation and Dissemination

The specific objective of WP5 is as follows:
– The project activities and results will be exploited and disseminated based on the Exploitation and Dissemination Strategy through the implementation of the Exploitation and Dissemination Management, and Project Marketing and Promotion.

It will contribute to the general objective of the project by: widely disseminating the project’s progress and results to the appropriate target audiences, at suitable times and via suitable methods, thus creating a tangible impact on the target group audiences and broader international community; identifying and soliciting members of the national international communities who can contribute to the development,
evaluation, acceptance, exploitation, and sustainability of the project results; by supporting “a priori” awareness, exploitation, and dissemination of the project’s results through the involvement of different target group users in a learner-centred approach; creating a digital educational ecosystem consisting of different stakeholders worldwide.

The specific objectives of WP5 will be realized through the results of three WP5 activities:
WP5.1. Exploitation and Dissemination Strategy
WP5.2. Exploitation and Dissemination Management
WP5.3. Project Marketing and Promotion

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