Univerza v Ljubljani is the oldest, largest, and internationally best-ranked university in Slovenia, being among the top 500 universities according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities Shanghai ranking (ARWU). It was founded in 1919 and encompasses 23 faculties, 3 art academies, and 3 associated members. In terms of the number of students, UL ranks among the largest HEI in Europe with more than 40,000 students. Study programmes at UL cover all ISCED areas in the first and second-cycle study programmes and lead the way in some new developments in technology and research. Since 2008, UL has been committed to respecting the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers, which led to the award of the “HR Excellence in Research” in 2013. UL is very active in national and international R&D and educational programmes and creates almost half of the research results of Slovenia. In 2022, UL was involved in 639 ongoing European projects. Up to the end of 2022, UL was involved in 225 HORIZON 2020 and 88 HORIZON EUROPE projects, 168 ERASMUS+ KA2, KA3, Jean Monnet and Sport projects, and 114 projects of the European territorial cooperation programme. Membership: EUTOPIA, the Guild, CELSA, LERU-CE7, UNICA, Utrecht Network, European University Association (EUA), CEEPUS, Central European Exchange Program, CEI University network, SAR Scholars at Risk and Rector’s Conference Alpe Jadran.
The Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport (UL FPP) of the University of Ljubljana is a higher education and training institution engaged in educational, scientific, and research work in the fields of maritime studies, transport and logistics. Currently, it employs around faculty staff, who are experts in navigation and marine engineering, and transport and logistics, and has modern hardware and software computer equipment and research laboratories. The faculty has navigation/engine room simulators for the education and training of seafarers, and simulators for real-time simulations of real-life transport and logistics situations. Therefore, it is a leading (and only) higher education institution in Slovenia that covers the field of maritime studies, logistics and transport. The study programmes and research provided by the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport (UL FPP) cover the entire spectre of disciplines and activities of the project proposal. UL FPP has excellent connections with the Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo, Uprava republike Slovenije za pomorstvo (Slovenian Maritime Administration) and the Slovene maritime industry so that any innovative approaches, platforms and digital tools can be tested, evaluated, and piloted by involving different stakeholders.