INTRODUCTION 1. Introducing Digimar case study videos Video Video script ROUTINE MARITIME COMMUNICATION CASE STUDIES 2. Collision in a Congested Waterway Video Video script 3. Near-miss between Incoming and Outgoing Vessels Video Video script 4. Vessel Grounding Caused by Communication Breakdown Video Video script 5. Collision in Foggy Conditions Video Video script MORE AND AMENDED COMING SOON!
A – INTRODUCTION1. Introducing Digimar videosVideoVideo scriptB – ESTABLISHING THE CONTEXT2. What is VTS?VideoVideo script3. Defining routine maritime communicationVideoVideo scriptC – VTS PHRASEOLOGY4. Structuring routine maritime communication VideoVideo script5. Understanding and applying standard VTS phraseologyVideoVideo scriptD – CLARITY OF SPEECH6. Phonetic alphabet and figuresVideoVideo script7. Understanding tensesVideoVideo script8. Using action verbsVideoVideo script9. Message markers – question, answer, requestVideoVideo script 10. Message markers – information, advice, warningVideoVideo script11. Speed messagesVideoVideo script 12. Closing the communication loopVideoVideo script 13. Negative confirmationVideoVideo script 14. Speaking formally and clearlyVideoVideo script 15. Simple statements and questionsVideoVideo script 16. WordinessVideoVideo scriptE – AMBIGUITY17. Avoiding ambiguityVideoVideo script18. Avoiding ambiguity caused by modal verbsVideoVideo script19. Using prowordsVideoVideo script20. Prowords for avoiding ambiguityVideoVideo script
The chatbots will be developed within WP3.2. of the project. They will be available here in March, 2025.